Home Game Reviews Why Final Fantasy VII Remake is a Worthy Addition to the Classic Game

Why Final Fantasy VII Remake is a Worthy Addition to the Classic Game

by John Collins

Final Fantasy VII, originally released in 1997, is widely regarded as one of the greatest video games of all time. Its impact on the gaming industry cannot be overstated, with its memorable characters, immersive world, and groundbreaking storytelling revolutionizing the role-playing game genre. So when Square Enix announced that they were remaking the game for the modern era, fans were understandably skeptical. However, after the release of Final Fantasy VII Remake in 2020, it quickly became clear that this was a worthy addition to the classic game.

One of the biggest reasons why Final Fantasy VII Remake is a worthy addition to the classic game is the way it modernizes the gameplay while staying true to the original. The game features a real-time combat system that allows players to control their characters directly, rather than relying on turn-based combat. This adds a new level of excitement and intensity to the battles, as players must react quickly to enemy attacks and make strategic decisions on the fly.

Despite the change in combat system, the game still manages to capture the spirit of the original, with its complex character customization and deep strategic elements. Players must carefully balance their party’s strengths and weaknesses, choosing the right equipment and abilities for each character to overcome the challenges they face. This adds a level of depth and strategy to the game that was not present in the original, making it a more engaging and rewarding experience overall.

Another reason why Final Fantasy VII Remake is a worthy addition to the classic game is the way it expands on the story and characters. While the original game was praised for its storytelling, it was limited by the technology of the time and the constraints of the game’s format. With the Remake, Square Enix has been able to delve deeper into the characters and their motivations, adding new scenes and dialogue that flesh out the story and make it more emotionally resonant.

The game also features stunning visuals and a fully realized world that brings the city of Midgar to life in a way that was not possible in the original. The attention to detail in the environments, character designs, and animations is truly breathtaking, and the game’s orchestral soundtrack adds a level of cinematic grandeur that elevates the experience even further.

Of course, no discussion of Final Fantasy VII Remake would be complete without mentioning the game’s controversial ending. Without giving too much away, the Remake takes some bold narrative risks that have divided the fanbase. However, whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying that it’s a bold and ambitious move that sets the stage for an even more epic story in the future.

Finally, it’s worth noting that Final Fantasy VII Remake is not just a nostalgia trip for longtime fans of the series. While it certainly pays homage to the original game, it also stands on its own as a compelling and enjoyable experience for newcomers. The game’s updated gameplay and visuals make it more accessible to modern gamers, while its complex story and characters are sure to captivate anyone who enjoys a good RPG.

In conclusion, Final Fantasy VII Remake is a worthy addition to the classic game for a multitude of reasons. Its updated gameplay modernizes the combat system while staying true to the original’s strategic depth, while its expanded story and characters add a new level of emotional depth and resonance. The game’s stunning visuals and cinematic presentation elevate the experience even further, and while its controversial ending may be divisive, there’s no denying that it sets the stage for an even more epic story in the future. Whether you’re a longtime fan of the series or a newcomer to the world of Final Fantasy, the Remake is a must-play game that stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of one of the greatest video games of all time.

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